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FARMERS' Marketgsandpoint


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ZFarmers' MarketgSandpoint supports local agriculture through education and a diverse community market.

We seek local farmers offering fresh produce & farm products along with craft & food vendors who produce a unique product demonstrating significant creativity using locally grown & locally sourced materials. 

All food and craft products are subject to jurying.

Jurying is based on overall quality, uniqueness, and market enhancement. In considering applications, the FMS Board prioritizes vendors who don't otherwise have customer-facing storefronts.

ALL APPLICANTS, including both new and returning vendors, must pay their $20 application fee and submit this complete application before their applicat
ion can be processed for consideration.

Please read each section carefully (it's a new form!) and provide detailed answers to

meaningfully inform your application for the FMS Board's consideration.


Finally, we know you're excited - we are, too! - and you're sure to have questions.

Our new Market Manager is also excited to begin and will eagerly address your questions as soon as she's prepared to field them. Please be patient as we welcome her and launch your applications.

Business Contact Information

Business Details

Social Media/Website Details

Would you like your details to be included on our website?

Vendor Category

Please choose all that apply:
Are you a NEW or RETURNING vendor?

Product Description

NOTE: We DO NOT allow items that have been repackaged or items produced from kits nor do we allow the sale of spices, spice mixtures, rubs, etc. unless the spices have been grown by the vendor.


We are looking for items to which you have applied significant creative process.


With that in mind, please provide details about your unique local farm/product, fine art, or craft.

If your products are sold at a location other than the Farmers' Market at Sandpoint, please provide a detailed list those of all of those locations.


NEW and RETURNING CRAFT/FOOD VENDORS, please identify the source of your components.

Please be specific.

Help us appreciate your product in the context of our mission. What raw materials do you use? Are any of your materials homegrown? What is purchased? How do your offerings incorporate locally grown or sourced ingredients or materials? 

All NEW FINE ARTS & CRAFT and FOOD VENDORS as well as RETURNING VENDORS with NEW PRODUCTS must have their products juried and approved by the FMS Board prior to bringing them to market.

All NEW FINE ARTS & CRAFT and FOOD VENDORS as well as RETURNING VENDORS with NEW PRODUCTS are required to provide product photos.

Please upload your jpeg, pdf, or png files here:

Upload File

NOTE: We are aware the website is only accepting one file at this time--we're working on fixing it!

If you are limited to one file, don't worry-we will follow up to provide with an upload link in the next few days so you can provide photos of your products.


ALL FOOD VENDORS are required to register their products with Panhandle Health Department.

Per Panhandle Health District's food sales' guidelines, cottage food products must be accompanied by clearly labeled packaging or on a clearly visible placard indicating the food was prepared in a home kitchen and is not subject to regulation and inspection by the regulatory authority and the food may contain allergens.


If you are FOOD VENDOR, please indicate your understanding you must comply with this requirement.


Describe your relationship to the land/locations you harvest from. Do you own, lease, or have other permission to access this land? Please provide details for ALL source locations for all of your products.


Certified organic farmers are required to provide qualifying documents. You may upload a PDF of your documents at right or bring a copy to your first market.

Upload File


Your market membership and participation requires you to read and agree to abide by the Rules & Regulations and By-Laws governing the Farmers’ Market at Sandpoint

All Farmers' Market vendors must sell their own unique product at the market: vendors are NEVER permitted to resell items. Additionally, booths must have the owner of the business (or an immediate family member) present during the market.

What is the size of your operation?

Please help us understand the scope of your business, i.e, is it just family working with you? Do you have employees? If so, how many and how do they support your work?

Please describe your methods of production:

Please, help us understand how you are involved in bringing to life what you want bring to Market. Please be specific so we can appreciate how your land, time, talents, skills, etc. are uniquely invested in and represented by what you offer.

Which markets will you be attending?

How often are you planning on being at the market?

For planning purposes, please describe what you think your market participation might look like, i.e., "All Saturdays from August through October" or "Wednesdays and Saturdays from June to September if your product season and/or other commitments suggest that's when you expect to join us.

(For initial planning purposes, you can change your mind.)

What is your intended start date?

NOTE: Our first Saturday market of the 2024 season is May 4th; first Wednesday is May 8th.

Vendors are required to provide a minimum of 24 hours notice if they plan to miss a market. Notice must be given via email or phone.

There is no need to report in for markets where you were not expected, i.e., if you’re starting date is in June, you don’t need to provide notices for markets in May



New and returning vendors are required to pay a $20 application fee.

All accepted vendors must pay a $50 membership fee on or before their first market.

You can pay your membership fee on our website when your application has been approved.


You must be an accepted member in good standing to participate at The Farmers' Market at Sandpoint. You are not accepted until notified by the Market. This may take a few weeks, especially for juried products.


Accepted members may select from a variety of season and day passes. Vendors have until June 1, 2024 to commit to either a season or daily pass.

If accepted to the Farmer's Market at Sandpoint, what type of pass do you anticipate selecting? (You can change your mind later, but it really helps inform the Market's plans and maps!)

Per City of Sandpoint ordinance, dogs are NOT allowed in Farmin Park. The City is responsibile for managing and citing customers who bring their dogs into the park.

Vendors are NOT allowed to have dogs with them at their booth during the market.

As you can imagine, we are busy when applications first open, so please be patient as we review your applications, bring our new Market Manager on board, and prepare for a great 2024 season.


If you have additional questions or comments, please provide them here. We'll do our best to circle back to you promptly!

Not able to pay online? Click here to request a code to bypass online payment and make arrangements to pay offline.

Thank you for your application and payment!


May 3 - October 18, 2025


Farmin Park, Sandpoint, ID

Saturdays 9 AM -1 PM

Wednesdays 3 PM - 5:30 PM


email us for more info

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