The 2025 season of the Farmers' Market at Sandpoint will open on Saturday, May 3rd and run through HarvestFest on Saturday, October 18th, 2025.
The Market is open on Saturday mornings and Wednesday afternoons in Farmin Park in downtown Sandpoint, Idaho—
rain or shine.
Saturday markets are from 9 AM until 1 PM; Wednesday markets from 3 PM until 5:30 PM.

We will begin accepting applications from new vendors for the coming season in spring of 2025 with jurying to follow.
Please read on to learn more about our processes and priorities. Answers to most new vendor questions can be found on this page and in our FAQs, by-laws, rules, and regulations.
DFARMERS' MARKET j SANDPOINT prioritizes vendors w products featuring locally
grown/locally sourced materials

Jurying is based on overall quality, uniqueness, and market enhancement.
The FMS Board seeks craft & food vendors who produce a unique product that demonstrates significant creativity using locally grown & locally sourced materials.
We prioritize vendors who don't otherwise have customer-facing storefronts.
We will post application and jurying dates for the 2025 season when they are confirmed by the Market Board. Note that all new food and craft vendors (and all new items offered by existing vendors!) must be juried and approved before appearing/participating in their first market.​​
We DO NOT allow the repackaging of items, i.e, recycled items, spice mixtures, etc.
We also do not allow lemonade stands or similar products.
If you are unsure whether or not your product(s) qualify, please email us with your questions PRIOR to completing your application and submitting your membership fees as there are no refunds.
All vendors, including returning vendors, must apply and receive confirmation of approval before they are permitted to participate each season.